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Gut Health Facts #10

Evolution Myotherapy

Bleeding gums (gingivitis) can progress to gum (periodontal) disease.

In gum disease, your gingival crevices are chronically inflamed. As time passes, they begin to pull away from your teeth. The process is fed by harmful bacteria, feeding on proteins from the gingival fluid. If this process continues, immune cells begin to degrade the bone around your teeth.

Gum disease progresses differently in different people. For some, bleeding gums won’t progress into serious disease. Others see a rapid decline in their gum health.

This is because the immune system plays a big part in gum disease. Antibodies in the gut are sent to deal with gum disease. Your bacteria dictate how these cells respond to the threat. If your gut microbiome is healthy, your immune system should cope well.

Your gut microbiome is the control center of your microbiota and immune system.

Your immune system identifies and destroys disease-causing agents. But once this is done, it begins the healing process, rebuilding damaged tissue.

Your gut is the organ most exposed to disease causing factors. It’s also the organ that manages your immune response. Gut bacteria ‘present’ a snapshot of your environment to your immune system.

Good bacteria and foods can aid your digestive health. For instance, your gut microbiome needs dietary fiber. It ferments the fiber to make short chain fatty acids. These fatty acids keep your gut lining healthy. They also pass messages across it, between your gut bacteria and immune system. (Kind of like a tiny game of telephone).

A healthy, well-fed gut microbiome creates a ‘tolerant’ immune system. Inflammation doesn’t get out of hand. When your gums bleed, it shows that the immune cells sent to your mouth are from an over-reactive immune response. And that response begins in the gut!

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