Q: What do you get if you cross a dog with a daisy?
A: A collie-flower.
Cauliflower Fun Facts
Cauliflower is apart of the cruciferous family, stemming from the New Latin word Cruciferae meaning “cross-bearing,” with the four petals of the leaves resembling that of a cross.
Leaves are required for the white head’s development, protecting the cauliflower head from the sunlight. In fact, without the leaves, a bunch of yellow flowers would appear and the cauliflower would be inedible.
Consuming white food products is oftentimes discouraged in a nutritious diet, although cauliflower breaks the rule. But in addition to offering rich nutrients in its white form, cauliflower also comes in varietal colors, including purple, orange, and green, that are actually quite vibrant.
The nutritional content of cauliflower scores as one of the highest on the Aggregate Nutrient Density Index (ANDI), a score assigned to whole foods that contain the highest nutrients per calorie. Cauliflower supplies a mere 27 calories per cup and is a rich source of folate, pantothenic acid, biotin, dietary fiber, and vitamins C, K, and B6.
The potent antioxidant vitamin C supplied by cauliflower promotes skin health by providing assistance in collagen production. Vitamin C also boosts the immune system and contributes to brain function.
Although cauliflower supplies a rich nutritional value for all consumers, low-carb dieters can relish in its low-carb content and the products it can transform into. In fact, cauliflower can mimic the textures of its higher carb counterparts, including potatoes and rice, without copious calories and carbs, as a whole medium head of cauliflower supplies a total of 29 grams of carb!
Cauliflower may reduce the risk of cancer, all thanks to a compound it contains known as sulforaphane. But to obtain the cancer-protective effects, it is suggested to consume the cauliflower raw, as heat has shown to kill and harm the beneficial enzyme.
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